4 ways to help employees make the most of their benefits in 2022
New Year’s Day means more than making resolutions and busting out a new planner. January 1 kicks off calendar-year benefit plans for companies that hosted fall open enrollments.
With worker shortages and power in the labor market lying with employees, 2021 open enrollment was a very important time for companies to stand out as an employer of choice. Do you feel like open enrollment went well for your company? Whether employee engagement was high or low, the work isn’t done yet. Let’s explore four moves employers should make next to ensure their employees make the most of their benefits.
1. Keep benefits communication and education going
Open enrollment oftentimes involves a flurry of communication about benefits, but once selections are made, the line goes dead. This isn’t a good strategy for keeping employees engaged in their benefits and in your company. Year-round communication and education about benefits will help your employees understand and appreciate their benefits. After all, it isn’t a benefit if your employees don’t truly understand it!
Action item: Ask your Washington National agent for educational content to help employees understand their benefits and how to use them.
2. Encourage use of wellness benefits
Washington National includes annual wellness benefits on many of our supplemental health insurance products. Wellness benefits can be payable for annual exams, tests or screenings to help employees discover new and developing health risks. With exam results, employees can work with their physician to improve or maintain their health. These are use-it-or-lose-it benefits, so encourage employees to take advantage!
Action item: Incentivize use of annual wellness benefits by providing paid time off for doctor visits.
3. Educate employees on health savings account (HSA) advantages
Do you offer your employees an HSA? A lot of people don’t take advantage of these accounts because they don’t understand the advantages. HSA contributions can help your employees lower their taxable income, save on medical expenses, earn tax-free interest and save for retirement.
Action item: Host a presentation that explains the advantages. Consider incentivizing HSA contributions by offering a percentage or dollar-for-dollar match of employee contributions.
4. Provide your employees with a benefits advocacy service
Sometimes employees avoid seeking care and using benefits because navigating the health care system feels overwhelming. That’s why Washington National provides our worksite clients access to a health advocacy service. The service helps employees find physicians and facilities, resolve claims and billing issues, and navigate the complex health care system. With professional assistance, your employees will feel more empowered to seek care and use their benefits.
Action item: Talk to your Washington National agent about getting your employees set up with our health advocacy service.
We’re here for you and your employees
Washington National understands that when it comes to worksite benefits, the work isn’t done after open enrollment ends. We’re by your side throughout the year supporting your business and helping your employees protect what matters. Learn more about us here.
Policies underwritten by Washington National Insurance Company, home office: Carmel, IN. LIMITED-BENEFIT POLICIES. These policies have limitations and exclusions. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact an agent.
Policies, benefits and riders are subject to state availability. Not all listed options, benefits and riders are available on all policies, and some may have additional cost.
Washington National Insurance Company is not licensed and does not solicit business in the state of New York.
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