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How to organize your important end-of-life documents
The end of your life is the last thing you think about when you’re spending time with family and...

Which type of life insurance is best for me?
Day in and day out, you work hard to create a secure, enjoyable life for the people you love. Now...

3 risks of funeral crowdfunding + a better solution
If you’re on social media, then you’re probably familiar with crowdfunding. People utilize online...

5 life milestones that mean it’s time to review your life insurance
When life’s big milestones happen, how do you celebrate? Perhaps you pop some bubbly, go out to a...

2 ways to use life insurance while you’re living
You’re probably familiar with life insurance. You know that it pays a cash benefit to the beneficiary...

Employer health insurance vs. individual health insurance: What you need to know
Today, it’s nearly impossible for a family to survive the financial blow of a hospital stay without...

Open enrollment Q&A
Open enrollment for 2020 Marketplace health insurance plans is quickly approaching. Not quite sure what...

How to stay safe in the sun and avoid skin cancer
Summer…just the word inspires visions of swimming in the pool, browsing the farmer’s market,...

What is disability insurance? Here’s what you need to know
If you’re here browsing the Washington National blog, then chances are you understand how important...